Release Notes

Thank you so much for visiting Product Hustle Stack. If you are reading the release notes, you must be really interested in what we are doing, so why don't you go ahead and contact us. We would love to hear from you.

Mon, May 3

Happy Monday - this is our first official release and here is what it included

  • Resource Gallery - We're introducing the foundational element of this community site which is the resource gallery. It launched with 23 curated resources
  • Category Landing Pages - Where there are more than one resource tagged with a category we've created a category landing page which filters the gallery view for just that content category
  • Lots of other pages - This includes the about page where you can learn more about the folks behind the site.
  • The experience feedback form, which can be used to provide feedback on your experience and what you would like to see to make this an invaluable resource

Sun, May 9

Happy Mother's day (at least in the United States) - excited to push out releases as quickly as we can. In this release, and subsequent releases, we'll focus on making sure our users can review and rate the resources as well as share each resources to various social networks.

  • Enter a Review Link - We've added the ability to rate and review the product resources. Click on the link will take users to an airtable form and prefill the resource name so you can concentrate on providing feedback and entering a rating.
  • Site release notes - We've made the release notes public so that we can be more transparent about what we are shipping and why

Tue, May 11

Happy not Monday - still coming off our launch high, we've gotten some great feedback. One was "hey where is the newsletter, duh".

  • Subscribe to our Substack Newsletter - We plan on a weekly newsletter. First edition is probably a week or two out

Fri, May 14

Happy Friday - Hope it's been a great week for folks..

  • Minor UI Cleanup - In the hope of optimizing the site for mobile devices, we've cleaned up our category callout a bit by removing categories that didn't have linked pages. Just so you know, as soon as a category has more than 2 items associated to it, we create a category page.

Sun, May 16

Hope it was a great weekend - continue to be hard at work trying to bring folks the best product management content.

Tue, May 18

Another night, another update

  • New this week module - In an attempt to make it easier to spot new content, we've added a new this week table to help quickly see what new content has been curated

Sat, May 22

Another night, another update :-)

  • Newsletter #0 was sent - Hit send on our first newsletter. We'll try to do it weekly. Read the archive and subscribe

Mon, May 24

Happy Monday

  • Search is here!!!! - We just added search to the site to help you get to that gem of a resource quicker. Let us know how if it's valuable to you

Tue, Jun 1

Hope everyone had a great memorial day -

  • New Why Product Category Page - We added the new product category page
  • New Resources - 7 new resources were added this week

Sat, Jun 26

Happy Saturday - It's been a while since our last update. Almost 25 days but, that time has been spent unveiling the next feature the stack.

  • The Stack is here!!!! - The idea behind a stack is to answer a question directly with the help of 3 to 5 resources. Our first stack's goal and theme are better decisions. It's a collection of Shreyas Doshi resources to help us do just that.

Sun, Jul 11

Happy Sunday - It was a momentous Sunday for many especially if you follow the sports world Wimbledon crowned a new men's champion along with mixed doubles. The Italians won the UEFA Euro 2020 tournament on penalty kicks. And for us, it meant another set of updates.

  • Stack updates - we continue to iterate on the stack page based on feedback we have been getting. We've done some general cleanup, but please continue to let us know your thoughts.
  • New Resources - 5 new resources were added this week