Creating a Go To Market

Resources here are all about gaining a better understanding on what a good go to market product strategy looks like



Kent McDonald

While discovering and fine-tuning for product-market fit is important and difficult, the launch of your product can create a huge boost and positive momentum if done right. If not done right, a less than stellar launch can set a product back in terms of adoption and awareness.

Nice collection of four or five articles focused on product launch - an oft-underserved topic.

Crafting a Go to Market Strategy

Shreyas Doshi

The "lowercase-p product" is the pixels you're directly working on. But that is not necessarily "The uppercase-p Product", the main that makes or breaks the user value proposition.

A thread made up of 5 simple questions to help us understand what the true value proposition of a service is. Hint its not what you think it is

Crafting a Go to Market Strategy
Twitter Thread

Andrei Tit

Often, bias towards actions means focusing on the trees and losing sight of the forest or vision. But it's the vision that will unite your whole team, your customers, and your prospects. In this medium post, Andrei Tit explores five different strategic messaging frameworks to help you arrive at that vision statement.

A good dive into a rare topic that sometimes gets pushed over to product marketing. Being able to create a vision and communicate is key to a successful product.

Crafting a Go to Market Strategy

Shreyas Doshi

A basic communications framework to use when communicating about your product (e.g. on your website, blog post, pdf case study, product video), make it easy for customers to get an answer these questions

Product communications is another subject area within Product Management that doesn't have a lot of resources. This is a great framework to get started with product communication or at the very least be able understand how to articulate the product proposition

Crafting a Go to Market Strategy
Twitter Thread

Usama Naseem

This framework provides useful structure for product proposals, reviews, etc.

A simple set of 5 questions to help you gain clarity around product and purpose

Crafting a Go to Market Strategy
Twitter Thread